Casey Ruff Casey Ruff · South Jordan, UT Boundless Body
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Suspension Strap Workout- Time Based!

54 min
11 exercises
Using Suspension Straps is a great way to get a unique workout in, whether you are home or on the road! Do each exercise until you become fatigues, then take a break and move to the next exercise!
Cardio - Walking
10 min
Suspension Planks
3 sets
60 secs
TRX Suspension Strap Standing Ab Rollout
3 sets
15 reps
TRX Suspension Strap Mountain Climbers
3 sets
40 reps
TRX Suspension Strap Rows
3 sets
90 secs
Suspension Single Leg Squats
3 sets
90 secs
TRX Suspension Straps Chest Press
3 sets
90 secs
Suspension Reverse Lunges
3 sets
90 secs
TRX Pull Ups
3 sets
90 secs
TRX Suspension Straps Tricep Extensions
3 sets
90 secs
TRX Suspension Strap Bicep Curls
3 sets
90 secs
Suspension Strap Workout- Time Based!
54 min
11 exercises
Using Suspension Straps is a great way to get a unique workout in, whether you are home or on the road! Do each exercise until you become fatigues, then take a break and move to the next exercise!
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Cardio - Walking
10 min
Set 1 of 0
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Calves, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Glutes & Hip Flexors
  1. After following a thorough warm-up session, stand tall on a walkway, treadmill, or other walkable area. Make sure that your chest is up, core is braced, shoulders are back, and gaze is straight ahead.
  2. Begin by placing your left foot forward then shifting your hips to move the right leg forward. Continue this back and forth motion at a pace that is ideal for you.
  3. You may also want to include small weights or a grip strengthener during your walks. Remember to maintain perfect form throughout the walk. Avoid slouching.
Suspension Planks
3 sets
60 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Obliques, Shoulders
Glutes & Hip Flexors, Lower Back
  1. Begin by working your feet into the TRX handles that are hanging about 12 inches from the floor. Be sure to have to soles of your feet facing upward.
  2. Walk out with your hands so that your body is fully lengthened and in a starting push-up like position. Keep your hands grounded.
  3. Engage your abs and lower back to keep your body straight and strong, hold this position for the designated time.
  4. Walk back with your hands and remove your feet from the TRX straps. Rest up!
Primary muscle group(s):
  1. Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees.
  2. Extend your legs straight out behind you, supporting them on your toes and balls of your feet.
  3. Keep your body in a straight line by tightening your abdominal and oblique muscles.
  4. Hold for as long as possible.

For extra balance training and core strengthening, you can lift one arm or leg.

TRX Suspension Strap Standing Ab Rollout
3 sets
15 reps
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Middle Back / Lats, Obliques
  1. Holding a TRX band with both hands, tighten your abs, keep your chest up, and place your gaze straight ahead.
  2. Keeping your feet in place, slowly lean forward. In a slow, controlled movement, guide the TRX band above your head with straight arms.
  3. Feel the contraction of your core as you fully extend. Pause and then contract your core to return you to the starting position.
Primary muscle group(s):
Biceps, Shoulders
  1. Kneel on the floor on all fours and place the ab roller in front of you.
  2. Grab hold of either end of the roller with each hand.
  3. Engage your abs and slowly roll the roller forward in a straight line until your body stretches in a straight position.
  4. Try to roll down as far as you can without touching the floor.
  5. Inhale in as you roll down.
  6. Pull yourself back to the starting position by exhaling and rolling back slowly. Maintain tight abs throughout the movement.
Primary muscle group(s):
Middle Back / Lats, Obliques
  1. Kneel on the ground and place a Swiss Ball in front of you. Cross your feet in the back. Brace your core as you place your forearms on the Swiss Ball.
  2. Begin the movement by slowly rolling out with the Swiss Ball. Feel the contraction of your core as you move further out.
  3. Once you are fully extended, pause, then slowly roll back up to the starting position. Rely on your core muscles to roll you out and pull you back in.
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Glutes & Hip Flexors, Lower Back
Biceps, Calves, Chest, Forearms, Shoulders
  1. Stand tall with your legs extended straight.
  2. Bend over from the hips and touch the floor with your palms flat on the floor.
  3. Keep your legs straight as you walk your hands as far forward as you can. Don’t let your hips sag.
  4. Take small steps and walk your feet to your hands.
  5. Continue for the desired amount of repetitions and then straighten up to the starting position.
TRX Suspension Strap Mountain Climbers
3 sets
40 reps
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
  1. Carefully place your feet into individual TRX straps. Face forward and place your hands on the ground below your shoulders. Brace your core as you drive your hips up into a push-up position.
  2. Begin the exercise by moving your right knee forward then fully extend it back. Now bring the left knee forward and fully back.
  3. Continue this back and forth pattern of movement while keeping the upper body stationary and the hips elevated.
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Glutes & Hip Flexors
Chest, Shoulders
  1. Place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width apart.
  2. Extend your torso and legs fully behind you with only your toes and balls of your feet touching the floor.
  3. Your body should be in a straight line, with your weight supported on your hands and toes only.
  4. Starting with either leg, flex your knee and hip at the same time to bring your knee up and under your hip. Your other leg should remain fully extended. This is the start position.
  5. Using an explosive movement, reverse the position of your legs, by extending the bent leg back and simultaneously flexing the straight leg until it is in the startposition.
  6. Continue alternating in this manner for the desire amount of time.
Primary muscle group(s):
  1. Assume a push-up position. Core is tight. Back is flat. Hands are underneath the shoulders. Head is in neutral position.
  2. Bring one knee up towards your chest and twist towards the opposing elbow. (Ex: Right knee to left elbow.)
  3. Contract the core and return the leg to the starting position.
  4. Alternate between legs.
TRX Suspension Strap Rows
3 sets
90 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Lower Back
Abs, Biceps, Shoulders
  1. Secure a pair of suspension straps. Stand facing the straps, brace your lower back, and tighten your core.
  2. Lean back, letting the straps hold your weight. Your arms should be straight.
  3. Pull yourself up with your back, maintaining a tight core.
  4. Squeeze the back muscles and slowly lower yourself. Repeat.
Primary muscle group(s):
Lower Back, Upper Back & Lower Traps
Abs, Biceps, Shoulders
  1. Set the bar to your waist height.
  2. Lie on your back under the bar.
  3. Reach up and grip the bar with an overhand grip with both hands.
  4. Keeping your body straight,  pull yourself up towards the bar by pulling your elbows as far back as you can and trying to touch the bar with your chest.
  5. Hold and squeeze your arm and back muscles.
  6. Lower yourself back to the start position in a controlled motion.
  7. Repeat.

For this exercise, you can use a Smith machine bar, an Olympic bar on a rack or any other straight, sturdy bar set to the right height. The lower the bar is to the floor, the more intense it will be due to the starting angles of your arms.

Suspension Single Leg Squats
3 sets
90 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Calves, Glutes & Hip Flexors
  1. Set the handles so that they hang at about chest height.
  2. Take grip of the handles and use them as balance as you lift one leg off the ground.
  3. With your grounded leg, bend at the knee and allow your body to lower itself steadily downwards, keep your elevated leg straight out in front as you do so.
  4. Once the grounded leg is at its full bend, drive your foot into the floor and use your glutes to push your body back upwards. You shouldn’t pull on the TRX, only use it for stability.
Primary muscle group(s):
Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps
Abs, Calves, Hamstrings
  1. Stand straight with your feet hip width apart, arms fully extended and your hands by your sides.
  2. Raise your left foot from the floor, extending your leg out in front of you.
  3. As you do so, raise both arms out in front of you in a smooth arc for balance. This is the start position.
  4. In a controlled movement, lower your body toward the floor by bending your right knee while pushing your hips back as if sitting down in a chair.
  5. Continue this downward movement until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
  6. Hold for a count of one.
  7. Return to the start position by pushing down through your right heel and straightening your leg. Lower your arms to the start position as you do so.
  8. Repeat.

Beginner – this exercise can be completed by placing your hand on a chair, bench, parallel bar or other support to one next to you. Advanced – this exercise can be completed holding dumbbells down by your side, or a kettlebell to your chest to add resistance.

Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Hamstrings
  1. Place your feet at shoulder width apart while keeping your chest up and your abdominals braced.
  2. Begin the movement by swinging your arms up towards your shoulders. At the same time, bend at the knees and drive your hips back like you’re sitting in a chair.
  3. Once your upper thighs are parallel with the ground, pause, then drive your hips forward to return to the starting position.
TRX Suspension Straps Chest Press
3 sets
90 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Shoulders, Triceps
  1. Secure a TRX band on a door frame or other stable surface. Make sure that the band is overhead.
  2. Holding the handles of the TRX band, walk forward until the slack tightens. Brace your core and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Now lean forward on the bands until the bands are supporting your weight.
  3. Maintaining a flat back and tight core throughout, lower yourself down between the bands until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Push yourself back up to the starting position.
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Shoulders, Triceps
  1. Get into position by placing your hands flat on the floor, directly below your shoulders.
  2. Extend your legs out behind you, with only your toes and balls of your feet touching the floor.
  3. Hold your body up and keep your back straight by tightening your abdominal muscles.
  4. Your neck and head should be bent slightly back.
  5. Lower your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows until your chest is just above the ground or you feel a stretching of your chest and shoulders. Hold for a count of one.
  6. Press upwards from your chest and shoulders, straightening your arms as you return to the starting position. Hold for a count of one.
  7. Repeat.
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Shoulders, Triceps
  1. Place a pair of dumbbells on the floor. Lie on your back in between the dumbbells. Bend your knees and move your feet towards your butt.
  2. Grab the dumbbells and hold them above you. Allow your upper arms to remain on the floor. Begin the movement by pushing the dumbbells over your chest. Pause at the top and squeeze your chest muscles.
  3. Slowly bring the weights down to the starting position, allowing your arms to rest for a brief moment before beginning the next repetition.
Suspension Reverse Lunges
3 sets
90 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps
  1. Take hold of the TRX handles in each hand, ensuring that they hang at about the same level as your waist.
  2. With your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, take a medium stride back with your left leg and place it  on the ground.
  3. Lower your body towards the ground by bending your right leg at the knee. Your lowest point should be when your left knee just grazes the ground.
  4. Drive your body back upwards using your right leg and simultaneously bring your left foot back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this same movement with your right leg.
Primary muscle group(s):
Calves, Glutes & Hip Flexors
  1. Stand straight – that’s the starting position. Step forward with your left leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees, while your rear knee is just off the floor. Keep your torso upright the entire time. Look forward.
  2. Pause, then push off your left foot off the floor and return to the starting position as quickly as you can.
  3. On your next rep, step forward with your right leg. Continue to alternate back and forth—doing one rep with your left, then one rep with your right.
Primary muscle group(s):
Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Calves, Glutes & Hip Flexors
  1. Standing with a braced core and flat back, bring your hands together at chest height. Position your feet to be at hip-width.
  2. Beginning with the right foot, step backward and across your left foot. Simultaneously, bend the left knee and drop it towards the ground.
  3. Stop when the front right knee is parallel with the ground. Push off the ground with your right foot and return to the starting position.
TRX Pull Ups
3 sets
90 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Middle Back / Lats
  1. Set the height of the straps so that you can sit beneath them and only just reach the handles with outstretched arms
  2. Take grip of the handles and use your back and arms to pull your body upwards. Aim to get your upper chest to the same level as the handles.
  3. Hold the top position for a second, and then lower your body, steadily, back down to the starting position.
  4. Be sure not to use your legs to aide the pull up.
Primary muscle group(s):
Lower Back, Upper Back & Lower Traps
Abs, Biceps, Shoulders
  1. Set the bar to your waist height.
  2. Lie on your back under the bar.
  3. Reach up and grip the bar with an overhand grip with both hands.
  4. Keeping your body straight,  pull yourself up towards the bar by pulling your elbows as far back as you can and trying to touch the bar with your chest.
  5. Hold and squeeze your arm and back muscles.
  6. Lower yourself back to the start position in a controlled motion.
  7. Repeat.

For this exercise, you can use a Smith machine bar, an Olympic bar on a rack or any other straight, sturdy bar set to the right height. The lower the bar is to the floor, the more intense it will be due to the starting angles of your arms.

TRX Suspension Straps Tricep Extensions
3 sets
90 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Upper Back & Lower Traps
  1. Safely secure a pair of suspension straps. Hold a handle in each hand then raise both of your arms above your head. Keep your elbow slightly bent.
  2. Lean forward with a tight core. Bend your arms to allow your body to lean.
  3. Slowly push your arms forward, straightening them and raising your body as you do.
  4. Once your arms are extended with a slight bend in the elbow, slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
Primary muscle group(s):
  1. Sit on a chair with your hands either next to your hips or slightly under the hips.
  2. Lift up onto your hands and bring your hips forward.
  3. Bend your elbows and lower your hips down, keeping shoulders down and hips close to the chair.
  4. Push back up but don’t lock your elbows and repeat.
TRX Suspension Strap Bicep Curls
3 sets
90 secs
Set 1 of 3
Rest before next set
Get ready
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Forearms
  1. Secure a pair of suspension straps. Facing the straps, hold one handle in each handle.
  2. Tighten your core and lower back. Slowly lean backwards and form a straight line with your body.
  3. Extend your arms, keeping a slightly bent elbow. Pull yourself up and towards the straps by curling your arms.
  4. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position while keeping tension in the biceps. Repeat.
Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Forearms
  1. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Let your arms hang by your side with your palms facing in to the side of your body.
  3. Keep your elbows close to your sides.
  4. Curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders. Do not swing your hips to get the weight moving.
  5. Continue raising the dumbbells until they are level with your shoulders with your palms facing in. Your forearm should be in a vertical position.
  6. Squeeze or flex your bicep and hold for a count of one.
  7. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.
  8. Repeat.

You can also perform this exercise by alternating between left and right arms or one arm at a time.

Primary muscle group(s):
  1. Holding a water bottle in each hand, stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Let your arms hang by your side with your palms facing in to the side of your body.
  3. Keep your elbows close to your sides.
  4. Curl the water bottles up towards your shoulders. Do not swing your hips to get the weight moving.
  5. Continue raising the water bottles until they are level with your shoulders with your palms facing in. Your forearm should be in a vertical position.
  6. Squeeze or flex your bicep and hold for a count of one.
  7. Slowly lower the water bottles to the starting position.
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of 11
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  • Mon, May 6
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